Monday, May 3, 2010

Head Doctor

We went back to the head doctor last Thursday. They did a scan of Charlie's head and it has gotten better in the past four weeks. What we've been doing (more tummy time, repositioning, noggin nest) did what the helmet is supposed to do: round out his head. So at this point, she said she doesn't see a need for a helmet (can I get a woot woot?!).

Here is a picture of his head. The red outline is from 4 weeks ago, and blue line is from Thursday. You can see the back of the head rounded out quite a bit.

We're going to go back in 4 more weeks and I think as long as its the same or better, we don't have to go back to the head doctor!


christina said...

woot woot! Seriously, that's quite a change when you see it on paper like that! awesome news!

Gale Hoover Hammond said...

WOW! That IS a major change. To think a little human body can undergo these things is just amazing. Wonder if I slept in a "skinny suit" if I could end up looking like Julia Roberts? :)