Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is....

almost as bad as passing gas in pilates? Having someone who is six inches from you pass gas in pilates. If I wasn't me, I would think I was the one who dealt it. It sounded like it came from me. Not behind, to the side of me, or front of me. So really, I was probably just as embarassed as she was. Thanks lady.

Oh and if you must know, this was the move we were doing when IT happened:


Gale Hoover Hammond said...

Judging from that position, I'm not surprised that you heard something of a "toot" - at least be happy it wasn't a "silent killer..." :)

Dorothy said...

LMAO...oh Alyssa, you must have that effect on people (remember Pizza Antica). This is why I DO NOT do Pilaties, not because it is hard and I am too lazy, but because of the tooting! hehe

Jen said...

That is hilarious! Did she say anything or just continue with the pose?

Alyssa said...

She didn't say anything. No one laughed either - I guess that's the mature thing to do? No one acknolwedged (sp?) it.