Sunday, September 7, 2008


Ok- I don't get a lot of comments on my page but I know you readers are out there. How do I know you ask? 1.) you tell me or say "I read on your blog.." and 2.) I have a site tracker so I know how many people are visiting my blog, how often, how long you stay, etc. Anyway, whats my point? I'll tell you: I was playing around and saw that I can have a spot on my page for my "followers". See the panel on the right hand side. So if you are reading this go add yourself. Thanks!


Meghan said...

Hey Alyssa! Thanks for the note! Nice to "meet" someone else in the blogosphere and in the Bay Area! I've been following your blog for awhile, so I thought it was fitting that I go the whole 'follower' route. ;) you'll see more of me, I'm sure!

Dorothy said...

i love your blog!