Monday, November 30, 2009


I'm officially on maternity leave and we are checking things off our list. The following items are completed:

1.) Assemble Crib
20.) Buy baby clothes (if needed)
21.) Decorate for Christmas
22.) Figure out which insurance plan to get on and enroll through open enrollment
40.) Put together arms reach co sleeper

My dad finished the nursery a few days before he and my mom went down to Long Beach for Thanksgiving. He painted the cream walls blue, installed the wainscotting and molding. We really like how it turned out - very nautical!

On Thanksgiving Day, Rob decided to put the crib together. Buddy was ready to help but first, he wanted someone to know if someone could "please throw this toy!!"

Rob lugged the crib pieces upstairs and started to get down to business. He found a bag in the main box, hoping the instructions were inside. He found this:

If you can't read it, it says "Do not use near cribs." Hmmm...

Then he stumbled across this:

only to find this inside:

So Rob went online to see if he could find the instructions when someone online had said the instructions were in the metal spring platform box instead. And they were!

Rob was finally able to get down to business.

The end result:

So pretty!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our To-Do List

I kept thinking of things we need to do before Bob arrives and decided to write it down. So far, we hae 39 things to do. Good thing I'm officially on maternity leave. Here is our list:

1.) Assemble Crib
2.) Pick up Dresser when it comes in
3.) Pick up Changing Table when it comes in
4.) Wash clothes, blankets, washcloths, all bedding and put away
5.) Pack Alyssa's bag for hospital (I decided against packing a baby bag - I think his stuff will fit in my bag)
6.) Pack Rob's bag for hospital
7.) Interview and decide on a Pediatrician (have some good leads, just need to make appointments with them)
8.) Get all the wall decor up in the baby's room (can't start until #2 and #3 are done)
9.) Install car seat
10.) Have carseat inspected by fire department or police department to make sure its installed properly
11.) Get a good supply of wipes from costco and detergent (from Target)
12.) Buy crib mattress (at a specialty store, not babies r us)
13.) Buy outstanding items on registry
14.) Pack Buddy's bag and put near crate
15.) Assemble pack n play
16.) Assemble swing
17.) Clean guest bedroom
18.) Assemble glider - Rob started but realized it was broken. We need to wait 7-14 business days for it to come in, then assemble.
19.) Make or buy wall letters (I want to put up letters that spell out his name, I think I might try to make them)
20.) Buy baby clothes (if needed)
21.) Decorate for Christmas
22.) Figure out which insurance plan to get on and enroll through open enrollment
23.) Day trip to Monterey
24.) Go to Christmas in the Park with friends
25.) Get highlights (?) - not sure if I'll need to but not sure when I'll every get back to the salon
26.) Complete Christmas shopping
27.) Do some Christas baking
28.) At least 1 more date night with Jen and Brad
29.) Go in our hot tub (less than 98 degrees)
30.) Get a pedicure
31.) Get a massage (I belong to massage envy and I have about 4 massages that I've already paid for and I want to use them before he comes, then probably cancel my memberhsip)
32.) Buy nursing tank tops
33.) Buy nursing bras
34.) Buy "grandma underwear"
35.) Get toilet fixed
36.) Figure out our will/trust
37.) Put battery in watch
38.) Buy pads (tmi)
39.) Figure out if we are keeping the chord blood
40.) Put together arms reach co sleeper

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pregnancy Quiz

How far along? 35 weeks, 2 days

Total weight gain/loss: +35lbs. I think I can still achieve my goal of a "no more than a 40 lb weight gain" that I gave myself. My dr. on the other hand would be happy if it stays at 35lbs. She said as long as I don't gain anymore I'll be right on point. I told her I'd take up smoking if I needed to. Luckily she knew I was kidding. I wasn't sure if SHE was kidding about not gaining any more weight so I asked Rob when she left the room. He said he's pretty sure she was serious. I don't understand how I shouldn't gain anymore weight if he only weighs 5.25 lbs and when eggnog lattes are in full swing at Starbucks.

Maternity clothes? Yes.

Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep: If you asked me about sleep 2 nights ago I would have said its gotten really bad. My sciatic really hurts at night and I'm up at least every 1-2 hours to go to the restroom. Last night, God decided to give me a break and let me sleep FIVE solid hours without getting up to go to the restroom (and when I did wakeup, my hips and sciatic weren't killing me). Also, Buddy and Rob were both snore free. It was great. Then I got two more hours of sleep, went to the restroom, then slept another 3.5 hours before work. It was the best nights sleep I've had in a few weeks.

Best moment this week: Besides last nights sleep, I'd say my other best moment is that today was my last day at work. I love my job and my coworkers but it will be nice to get ready for "Bob." Another great moment this week is that my dad finished painting, installing the molding and wainscotting in the nursery. We can now get started on getting the room together - it looks really cute.

Movement: Yes. He is still moving around quite a bit.

Food cravings: I was going through a phase of craving Chinese food. I've had it twice in the last four weeks and I think I'm having some on Saturday for Jen's birthday.

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? It's flat. I don't know if it will pop out but its completely flat.

What I miss: Being able to buy shoes. I went to DSW to get new shoes because the shoes I have aren't very comfortable and I couldn't fit in any because my feet were swollen. :(

What I am looking forward to: We start our "internal exams" next week at the dr.'s office. I'm looking forward to see if there is any progress (dilation mainly and his position).

Other Updates: At my appointment yesterday she said he is still in the normal range (not too big, not too small). I also appear to be producing Colostrum. This might be too much information for some people, so if you really want to know what I'm talking about, you can google it. We also "graduated" from our Childbirth Prep class last night. We have 1 more time to get together (next week) but its the hospital tour. I'm actually really looking forward to that.

Bob weighs about 5.25 lbs (same weight as a honeydew melon) and he is over 18 inches long.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Maternity Leave

My maternity leave is approaching and I'm very excited about that. Rob said to me once, "I think you wanted to get pregnant because of the maternity leave." I told him "of course not, but it's definately a perk!"

When I think of maternity leave, I think of...

Lazy mornings watching Oprah on my DVR...

with a yummy latte in hand...

My perfect baby sitting quietly in his swing, he's a good baby and rarely cries...

Baby and I meet up for lunch with friends - in my dreams, all of my friends are stay at home moms...

Friend Baby and I, go shopping at Santana Row...

Come home, Rob is in the kitchen preparing dinner...

I get baby dressed in his cute pjs, feed him and put him down to sleep and get ready to do it again the next day.

Doesn't that sound lovely? For any moms out there, I'm sure you think I have no idea what I'm in for. You're right. I know that, but this is my fantasy world, mmkay?

So I know it's not really going to be like that - but I still think it will be pretty great.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Buddy!

We love you!!


Last night was day 2 of Rob and my Childbirth Prep classes. During one of the exercises, she had the guys go off to one room and the girls to the other, and come up with a list of "feelings" we've had since we've become pregnant. I really like our class but I thought this exercise was a little silly.

After a few minutes we had our list complete and we started talking about other stuff: sleeping, appetites, etc. Someone mentioned hiccups and the girl next to me said "is it really obvious when they have hiccups?" Everyone in unison (except me) said "ohh yes, you'll know." I turned to the girl and said "I haven't had them either."

About twenty minutes later when the group got back together and the instructor was talking about something, I felt a thump. Thump. Thump. Kind of in the routine of a heartbeat. I knew they were hiccups, so cool! I felt like it was happening for 2 minutes but it was probably just 1 minute. It was totally random that we were just talking about it and then it happened. I guess Bob didn't want me to be the last one in the group to experience them.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh, swell...

Swelling has entered my life. The last two nights I've noticed I had cankles. They seem to creep up on me at night, after work and go back to normal in the morning. Isn't it too early to start swelling? Bummer.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Red Cups are Here!

Jen told me yesterday that the red cups are at Starbucks. This means they are now serving eggnog lattes, gingerbread lattes and peppermint mochas. YUM! I indulged on my first eggnog latte of the season this morning and it did not disappoint.

You know how a pumpkin might represent Halloween or fall, and a bunny might represent Easter? Well, the red cups represent the holidays to me and get me in the holiday spirit. My favorite time of year is October - December but if I had to choose my favorite holiday, Christmas would be the winner - by a lot.

Here are some of my favorite things: red cups (duh!), holiday decor in shopping centers/malls/downtown, holiday music, decorating the house, buying presents, wrapping presents, traditions like baking cookies with the family, sending/receiving holiday cards, holiday parties, holiday catalogs, uggs, warm sweaters and scarves, staying inside and watching tv and baking while its raining outside, making homemade soup, the smell of a live wreath on the front door.....oh I could go on and on! Welcome holidays, you are HERE!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pregnancy Quiz

How far along? 32 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: +31 lbs. Oooooh yeah.....had my dr.'s appointment and I only gained 1 lb. I was really excited. I was worried it would be bigger with all the candy and cake that's been around the last couple weeks.

Maternity clothes? Yes. My goal is to not buy anymore. I haven't bought a ton, but I think what I have will last me throughout the pregnancy.

Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep: I stopped using my pregnancy pillow and I feel like my hips don't ache as much as before. I don't know if its because I stopped using the pillow or if its normal for them not to hurt as bad now. They still ache a little bit, but not as bad as before. The last two nights I've woken up and my left hip and butt is aching. Usually it will ache for about 8 seconds after I take pressure on it but it didn't stop aching for a few minutes (even when massaging my butt - TMI?). I think I am putting pressure on my sciatic nerve.

Best moment this week: I had my shower on Sunday and that was really fun. It was nice to have family and friends together to celebrate "Bob" coming into the world. I wish I had a chance to talk to people more but I did the best I could. The other highlight was my dad started paining the nursery last week. I'll post pictures once there are more updates.

Movement: All the time. When I roll from one side to the other at night, he lets me know if I'm putting too much weight on my stomach.

Food cravings: Not really.

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Still am really missing laying on my back and stomach. I also find myself getting out of breath. says "with your uterus pushing up near your diaphragm and crowding your stomach, the consequences may be shortness of breath and heartburn." No heartburn yet but I find myself getting out of breath when telling a long story while walking Buddy or just doing simple things around the house - like walking up the stairs! It will be nice to have more room in there to breath. :)

What I am looking forward to: Tonight is the first night of our child prep class. I'm a little nervous Rob might yell out "Ewwww" or "Oh god" when things get graphic.

Other Updates: At my appointment yesterday she said he is still in the normal range (not too big, not too small). I also got my swine flu shot yesterday. Stay away Swine Flu! The lady at the front desk kept going on about how there was very little testing on the vaccine and how if I get into contact in the next 2 weeks I could still get it. She was a Debby Downer but I still feel good about getting vacinated.

Bob weighs about 3.75 lbs (same weight as a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Chinese takeout

Mom's cupcakes

Mimi and Emily

Emily and Buddy

Buddy, Ashley, Gracie and Grampy

Emily and Gracie