Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Apparently you can't put popcorn seeds in the garbage disposal (or apricot pits).

Last night Rob and I shared a bag of popcorn and when I was done with my bag, I poured the unpopped kernals in the sink. I figured they were small and it was ok - I figured wrong. My first lesson on what not to put in the disposal was the day we had our final inspection on our townhouse when we were selling it. I remember Rob saying "Are you kidding me? The inspector is supposed to be here in 5 minutes!" Luckily I was able to get the pit out in the nick of time. I sent a note to my dad this morning and I hope he can fix it otherwise Rob thinks this will cost us $200. :(

I hate wasting money on stuff like this. Just a month or so ago we had to pay $60 for a man to tell us our washing machine was NOT broken and that water was NOT spilling out the sides, I had just not stuffed the duvet down in the washer enough and water was spilling out because the duvet was in the way. We also had to pay for another duvet because ours was sitting in our water filled washing machine for a few days and was a little smelly.

I feel extra bad because Rob just agreed to go on a Cabo vacation in April despite the fact that he'd rather apply the money towards our mortgage or add to our savings.

So this is my long drawn out apology to Rob - Sorry Rob... :(


Anonymous said...

HOPEFULLY, Dad can get things fixed with the disposal...what a bummer. I could swear we've had at least a few popcorn seeds down our disposal without a problem so maybe there's hope. I DO know celery and corn husks are a big "no-no" in the disposal. Good luck with it!

Alyssa said...

Good to know about the celery - I won't tell Rob I have put celery down there too. I only put the discarded ends though, not the whole thing.

Melissa said...

Look at this way---sooner or later all those appliances break and need to be fix. It's unavoidable. ;)

Rob said...

no...this really was avoidable...

Alyssa said...


Dorothy said...

Isn't Rob an engineer? He can't fix any of this? Come on Rob...

Rob said...

wrong kind of engineer - i only do 0's and 1's...