I am working from home today which means in between answering emails and checking voicemail, I am throwing objects across the living room to entertain Buddy with a game of fetch. I'll usually sit on the floor working and playing with him and sometimes Buddy will run across my key board. I panic for a second to make sure he didn't somehow hit the right keys to send my CEO a random email with a subject of "dfadefdsa". It hasn't happened yet but its possible. Well he didn't send an email thank goodness, but he did somehow rip the "x" off my keyboard. I guess it could have been worse, it could have been an A, E, I, O, U or sometimes Y. I came to the decision that I will live without the x key. I can still create an x (obviously) but its a bit harder than usual. I mean, how often do you use the x key anyway? I'm sure it would not cost my IT department much to replace or add the x back onto the key board but I'm just too embarassed to go there as this isn't the first time I have broken a part of my laptop. Last time it was the F4 button and the time before that I had to get a whole new screen because, well, I stepped on it. Yes, you read that right. If you don't believe me, ask Rob.
"My dog ate my 'X'!!!"
I give up - how do you make an "x" these days?
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