Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Charlie's Baby Brother.

My mom got Charlie a baby boy doll because he loves his cousins' dolls. He was very sweet with baby brother...

 "What's that you say, baby brother?"

and then it got weird...

I was ok with my mom buying him a doll. I'll also be ok with it if Charlie wants to play dress up, play with my makeup, wear nail polish, etc. His interest in these things is bound to happen with 4 girl cousins by his side.


Melissa said...

that picture of him on the doll made him laugh out loud. :-)

Dorothy said...

and then it got weird...LMAO!

Jen said...

I know how it is...Logan is definitely in touch with his feminine side with all of the older girls he hangs around with!

Gale Hoover Hammond said...

FUUUUUNNNNNYYYYYY!!! Yep, it got pretty weird all right! :)