Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Too Much Information

This morning I was driving into work and traffic was slow as usual. Driving at 10 MPH, the only thing I can really do to entertain myself is too look around at other cars specifically the one in front of me. Does it have a personalized plate, bumper sticker, dent, etc. The one in front of me this morning had one of those faux bullet holes and a personalized license plate frame. Oooh! Love those! So I got a bit closer to the bumper to read what it said: "Back Off I don't like it from Behind." Ok at this point I was a bit embarassed as I indeed crept up on the bumper to get a closer look - hopefully she isn't getting the wrong impression here. Then my mind starts to wander. What do her co-workers think? I assume she has a daily job she goes to. What would I think if one of my co-workers had that on their plate? Then I think about her parents. Would they be ashamed or perhaps maybe they would be proud? I imagine this girl thinking at one point "wow, what a funny license plate frame idea" or "I have GOT to get that on my car" and actually taking the steps to go to a mall kiosk and actually order the "I dont like to get it from behind frame, please." What did the employee of kiosk think? And no where between ordering the frame, buying it, driving home and actually putting it on the car did she think "maybe this is a bit much?"

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