Friday, February 1, 2008


Rob and I flew into Denver yesterday and met up with Ashley, Jim, Gracie and my mom (my dad drove out himself). The day started off pretty good. We made our flight, all connecting flights were on time and as we were approaching the baggage claim in Denver so were the family members coming from LA. We couldnt have planned it better if we had in fact tried to plan it. We got the luggage, rented an expedition, crammed inside and we were on our way! We stopped for a quick lunch - note it was our choice to stop the first time unlike the 2007 Colorado trip. Side note: last year Rob and I met Jim and pregnant Ashley and we drove the 2 hour trip together to the house in Grand Lake. Within 20 mins the car broke down and we had to wait 2 hours for a tow truck (did I write about this story in a prior blog? It sounds vaguely familiar). Anywho, so we stopped for a quick lunch and my mom comes up to me who was getting lunch at the place next door and said "Hertz just called and you left your cell phone." I dont even remember taking it out of my purse or pant pocket (I cant even remember where I had it). I debated whether or not it was worth driving 10 miles back to the airport to get my phone but who am I kidding of course it was. So we had to turn our butts around and go to the airport. Twenty minutes later I had cell phone in hand. NOW, we were on our way! Gracie was a trooper and only started to get fussy when we had 10 more minutes to go so what did we sing to the fussy baby? 100 bottles of beer on the wall! We sang until 47 or something. I really didnt sing much. I was the lucky one in the back seat of the SUV sharing my seating area with 8 bags of luggage and some groceries we picked up on the way. They including Gracie wouldnt hear me if I were singing anyway.

Today we woke up to snow falling, oh wait, no we didn't. We woke up to my mom snoring on the couch in the family room (we were sleeping in the loft). We thought she was down there because my dad was snoring in their bedroom but after overhearing the conversation (which woke us up after we drifted back to sleep) there was just a misunderstanding that I won't go deeply into. Something along the lines of my mom tought she was keeping my dad up snoring so she came to the family room. Turns out she never woke up my dad but ironically in the end woke us up. :) But, yes, after we did wake up for the final time it was snowing outside (and still is).

Right now my mom is making breakfast and some us are going snowmobiling in a bit. I went last year and it was fun but I'm taking a break this year to relax at home with mom and Gracie and maybe log into work for a little bit to finish a project that I've been working on.
I haven't taken too many pictures but I'll post a couple.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Rob's got that "fatherly" look in his eye.
It's good to see Jim and Ashley...Gracie...adddddddorable!