Monday, January 7, 2008

Cleopatra is Bringing Sexy Back

Yesterday while Rob and I were driving around to open houses we started talking about the "dream house" in San Jose and Rob said "for all we know, once they put in the granite, we won't like it." We both turned to each other and said "yeah, probably not!".

I really am not worried about their final touches such as the carpet, granite, travertine floors, etc. but it must have had me a LITTLE worried because of the dream I had last night.

I had a dream that I went to see the progress that was being made on the house. It looked like no one was around on the construction site and the door was open (of course). I go inside and the granite is pretty nice. Its kind of brownish, goldish, blackish. The cupboards were green. What were they thinking? And my favorite: there was a glass wall randomly in the family room and etched into the glass was hundreds of egyptian heads or pharaohs because, you know, egyptian themes are all the rage these days in home decor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually...Hookas are quite popular. It's good to know you dream of Rob's favorite ethnicity..HAHA
-Michael G.