Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Big Grown Up Stuff Going On.

There has been a lot of "stuff" going on the past few months. Rob created a LinkedIn profile (with my suggestion) and recruiters kept contacting him. He scored some interviews and received two offers and accepted the one that he thought was best for his career and our family. This has been going on since the beginning of December. He literally interviewed at two differnet companies for a good 2 months. It was a loooong process and there many hoops to jump through, its been exhausting.

Since about the time this all started, December, I really thought about putting a halt to the career I have and stay home to be with Charlie. When I was little, I thought "I would never want to be a stay at home mom, I want to get my degree, get a good job, work in a fancy office building and be successful!" Working in a fancy building at a young age was a pretty big priority. I literally remember driving in our family van on vacations and seeing big beautiful office buildings off the freeway that seemed to have mirrors all around them. They were so beautiful and so blinding when the sun shot onto them. I thought "how glamorous it would be to work there!" Years down the road, I went to college, graduated and started my career. About 3 years into I thought "I would LOVE to be a stay home mom, what the life! I'd go shopping, have lunch with girlfriends, watch Oprah and live the dream." Sound familiar? Well, I became a mom and towards the end of my 6 month maternity leave I thought "Crap, this mom stuff is HARD! I want to go back to work!" So I guess you can say when things get hard, I look for what I think is the easier option. Months went by at work and leaving Charlie every morning got harder and harder. Rob and I started having more discussions about the feasibility of me not working and both finally agreed we wanted me to be home with Charlie if we could afford it. I always told myself if we could do it (financially) I would try staying at home with Charlie.

Rob fortunately received a job offer that would allow me to stay home with Charlie and I gave notice last Friday. My last day at work will be April 1st (not an April's Fools Joke!). I realized the stay at home moms weren't the lucky ones and the working moms weren't the lucky moms. The lucky ones are the ones who have the choice. I feel very lucky to have had that choice.

For all I know, staying at home may not be for me but I'm happy to know I have the option of going back to work (somewhere) if thats what I decide is best for us.

This is the fancy "mirrored" building that I've been calling my home away from home for the past 7 years:


Melissa said...

I think that both have their pluses and minuses. And there will be a honeymoon phase with staying at home, and then a phase were you think you'll go crazy, and on and on and on. I'm currently at peace with being a stay at home mom and I'm trying to appreciate the time I have with my boys.

Gale Hoover Hammond said...

Your observation that it's having the CHOICE to stay home is so wise. Wow!